CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is a safe, gentle, hands-on, full-body approach to wellness. It releases tensions deep within the body to relieve pain and improve health.

It gets its name from the craniosacral system: the skull, spine and sacrum (tailbone) and everything inside these bony structures. The craniosacral system has a direct effect on your nervous and endocrine systems. Improving movement and functioning in these systems can relieve pain and have a huge impact on your immune, metabolic and emotional well-being.

Directly inside the bones of the craniosacral system is connective tissue called meninges that are part of the fascial system. The fascia is a system of interconnected tissue that surrounds and protects everything in your body. It is one continuous tissue. That’s why you can have a problem area in your body that causes pain somewhere else: e.g. a stiff ankle causing knee or hip pain.

Within the meninges there is cerebral spinal fluid protecting and nourishing your nervous system. Your cerebral spinal fluid has a rhythm as it removes waste and brings new nutrients. This rhythm can be felt throughout your body as expansion and contraction. It also becomes quiet, almost still, when your body experiences a release or significant shift.

As a trained CranioSacral Therapist, I can feel your craniosacral rhythm with my hands. Since I know how this rhythm should feel in a healthy body, if there is a place where this rhythm is restricted, I can find it and help release it. By gently unwinding your fascia and softening the restriction, it allows your body to use its own ability to heal. This brings back movement, fluid exchange and more energy, resulting in better circulation, mobility, lymph movement and reduced pain and discomfort.

This unwinding feels different to individual people. Some people are very sensitive to touch and energy and feel their body unwind. It can feel like a softening, tickling or waking up. Other people don’t feel specific sensations but feel deeply relaxed, almost as if they are in a dream state.\

CranioSacral Therapy bernadette client with gray background